Well, to catch up... Aliyah is super active and I' m very excited about that. She wakes me up and doesn't stop moving until I eat something in the morning. With 8 Weeks left, I' m starting to get anxious that by a miracle things go on schedule. 6 Weeks until the baby shower, 7.5 until Tim comes home, and 8 until I am due. Nervous and excited and I just can' t wait to hold her already. I' m just soaking up the last days I will be able to relax in years.
I need to go shopping for clothes because they do not fit at all, and I need to go shopping for baby shower prizes. Lots to do left, little time!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Catching Up
Well let's see....it's been a few days since I posted due to working and sleeping, considering nowadays those two go hand in hand in ratio. I feel like I have a big balloon under my shirt all the time, that wiggles all around. I have been trying to keep up my food intake, but it seems like I' m never eating enough. Hopefully by next week, I will have gained some.
Aliyah is as a squirmy as ever. She reacts to different voices, and to when I'm upset. When I'm upset, she will toss and turn momentarily and it'll fade. When she recognizes a voice, she goes CRAZY. I'll be at work with someone and she'll hear and have a dance party. When I skyped Tim, as soon as he talked, it was like she had a trampoline in there. Probably because she got so used to his voice when he was home.
Baby shower invites were sent out and hopefully I will get people to go haha. It should be a fun time with a small group of friends and family.
People, especially today, have been saying how I can pull off being pregnant, how I'm glowing, and how I look so "radiant". In my mind it' s more like, I' 've gained 40lbs and love food....wish it was this way when I wasn't pregnant haha.
Aliyah is as a squirmy as ever. She reacts to different voices, and to when I'm upset. When I'm upset, she will toss and turn momentarily and it'll fade. When she recognizes a voice, she goes CRAZY. I'll be at work with someone and she'll hear and have a dance party. When I skyped Tim, as soon as he talked, it was like she had a trampoline in there. Probably because she got so used to his voice when he was home.
Baby shower invites were sent out and hopefully I will get people to go haha. It should be a fun time with a small group of friends and family.
People, especially today, have been saying how I can pull off being pregnant, how I'm glowing, and how I look so "radiant". In my mind it' s more like, I' 've gained 40lbs and love food....wish it was this way when I wasn't pregnant haha.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
31 Weeks
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Baby Appointment
Had my baby appointment today, and finally saw the doctor after waiting an hour and a half due to people being late for their appointments this morning. So far so good. She grabbed my stomach and told me that Aliyah is breech at this point which is nothing to worry about since she' 'll be turning, or should be turning, in a couple weeks. The bad part? I can feel each tiny kick into my bladder and it makes me want to per my pants all the time haha. My tummy measurement was 31cm which is right on track. The only concern was that in the past two weeks I have gained no weight when I should have gained at least 2 pounds minimum. I have been eating like crazy, or so I think, but I' m never really hungry so I guess I will just have to eat more.
In other news, invitations are completed and to be sent. AND 31 Weeks tomorrow!!! :)
In other news, invitations are completed and to be sent. AND 31 Weeks tomorrow!!! :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Well, my sleep was HORRIBLE for today. I ended up getting around an hour with too much on my mind. I went to work for 4 hours which felt like 10. This back pain is absolutely killing me along with the nausea. The nausea comes mostly in the morning and night, which is annoying when I want to sleep.
On the cute side, Punkin now has stolen my pregnancy pillow and claimed it as her own. This includes mandatory snuggle periods and naptimes, which obviously I do not mind.
Tomorrow is my baby appointment, so I'll update that tomorrow with any information, and baby shower invites will also be in the works tomorrow! Well, time to throw up and go to bed haha.
On the cute side, Punkin now has stolen my pregnancy pillow and claimed it as her own. This includes mandatory snuggle periods and naptimes, which obviously I do not mind.
Tomorrow is my baby appointment, so I'll update that tomorrow with any information, and baby shower invites will also be in the works tomorrow! Well, time to throw up and go to bed haha.
Monday, January 14, 2013
My day... let' s see....I got into a really weird mood where I felt like doing something the spur of the moment, so combine that with a craving, and you get two dozen cookies. While I was in process of baking, Punkin started barking towards something outside and there was this GIANT German shepherd running around almost getting hit by cars and I noticed it didn't have a collar. I' ve seen this dog two other times, so I' m not sure if it lives around here or not but looks older. It didn't show any form of aggressiveness towards the slowed cars with their Windows down ans actually looked like it was comfortable with people and doing it' s own thing. I was just worried for It' s safety, so I made a decision to try to coax it (probably a dumb decision but oh well) because the last thing I wanted to hear or see was a dog yelping from getting hit. So I tried calling it, using food, but it just find' t work and before I knew it, he just went on his way down the street. Maybe he was scared of the ferocious 17 lb dog in the window. Who knows.
So I went back to baking, but some country music on, and danced while finishing up while washing all the dishes . Afterwards, I sat down to relax but Aliyah was still dancing and ended up kicking off a piece of Apple I was going to eat off of my stomach. The rest of the day was pretty relaxing.
Well, now to get some sleep for work in the morning.
So I went back to baking, but some country music on, and danced while finishing up while washing all the dishes . Afterwards, I sat down to relax but Aliyah was still dancing and ended up kicking off a piece of Apple I was going to eat off of my stomach. The rest of the day was pretty relaxing.
Well, now to get some sleep for work in the morning.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Well, today has been....fun. I was visited by an old friend: morning sickness. I had it in the beginning up to 22 weeks, then I thought I reached the promise land. Unfortunately for me, when I woke up at around 7:10am, it hit like a train.
So my original scheduled shift at work was 8am-1 pm, and I figured it would be a piece of cake day. I go in still sick since the 3rd, hoping it would be easy because I have a day off tomorrow where I can rest up some more. Well, someone called off for being sick and they expected me to then stay until 4:30pm. My manager called work on her day off, said that I can work it because I "called off" aka: had a doctor' s excuse to rest due to the horrible cold, and "could finally pull my weight around here." Well, not only did I have morning sickness, I had cramping and back pain, which is why I no longer can work (stated by the doctor) 8/8 &1/2 hour shifts. I' m sorry, but where was everyone when someone took thanksgiving week off and I originally was scheduled for 26 hours, and ended up pulling 40? Sorry, but I' m sick, 7.5 months pregnant, in pain, and had no food with me. Yea, no way in hell happening.
Then after work at 1, I went out to lunch with my lovely uncle and mother where him and I stuffed our faces with delicious food from Primanti' s. Afterwards, I had a food induced coma for 3 hours, but as soon as I woke up, I had the feeling of ' morning' sickness again. Hope this doesn't become a trend of sleeping then waking up feeling sick again...but at least Aliyah is kicking and punching along.
Well, that should end the night. Oh, and yes, I miss Tim dearly.
So my original scheduled shift at work was 8am-1 pm, and I figured it would be a piece of cake day. I go in still sick since the 3rd, hoping it would be easy because I have a day off tomorrow where I can rest up some more. Well, someone called off for being sick and they expected me to then stay until 4:30pm. My manager called work on her day off, said that I can work it because I "called off" aka: had a doctor' s excuse to rest due to the horrible cold, and "could finally pull my weight around here." Well, not only did I have morning sickness, I had cramping and back pain, which is why I no longer can work (stated by the doctor) 8/8 &1/2 hour shifts. I' m sorry, but where was everyone when someone took thanksgiving week off and I originally was scheduled for 26 hours, and ended up pulling 40? Sorry, but I' m sick, 7.5 months pregnant, in pain, and had no food with me. Yea, no way in hell happening.
Then after work at 1, I went out to lunch with my lovely uncle and mother where him and I stuffed our faces with delicious food from Primanti' s. Afterwards, I had a food induced coma for 3 hours, but as soon as I woke up, I had the feeling of ' morning' sickness again. Hope this doesn't become a trend of sleeping then waking up feeling sick again...but at least Aliyah is kicking and punching along.
Well, that should end the night. Oh, and yes, I miss Tim dearly.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Okay, so I' m a hypochondriac and I admit it. I have irrational fears everywhere from elevators to semi- trucks. This pregnancy though has brought out the worst of my worries. I worry about Aliyah' s development and her health the most. I have grown so attached to the little bigger that the thought of anything happening to her tears me apart. I know it's not good to have all these worries and to get stressed out about it, but there are constant questions like am I eating right for her, am I taking all the proper steps, do I need to do more? It just keeps me on my toes and every time she kicks makes me a happy mommy to calm my fears. I love my little giraffe so much already and I just want to do things for the best interest of her. When I see all these mothers to be being irresponsible and doing things for their self interest it sickens me and I can't imagine doing those things. Like the fellow employee who smokes while pregnant. You already have one child and now you think you are responsible enough to have another? Being a mother isn't a right, it's something that you have to be willing to commit to.
Being pregnant changes you and there is a little miracle that you now need to worry about.
Being pregnant changes you and there is a little miracle that you now need to worry about.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Photo for Comparison
Too Stressed
Woke up from a dream of my shower being a bust and my relationship going south. Lovely thoughts to start the morning. Watch out world, this pessimistic attitude is a dangerous thing; it usually causes more trouble than good. We'll see.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The hormones seem to be raging today. It feels like every single person I interact with brings about some sort of emotion. It' s kind of really annoying and I realize it but can't do anything to help it. After being cooped up for a week in my room, I just basically want someone to talk to. I guess I'll get that from my coworkers being I really don't feel like bothering anymore people, and the only place I have a chance to talk to someone else is work. Too bad I am off tomorrow and have to wait until Saturday. Meh, oh well.
Still am sick but it' s getting better. I wouldn't doubt if I got sick again with the amount of customers coming in being sick with either the cold or flu so you see them runny eyes, nose is red, groggy with a Kleenex in one hand and their money in another. This ought to be fun.
Aliyah is moving all around and has decided that she likes to jump around. Every single time I lay on my side, she takes that as an opportunity to jump on my mattress. I can feel her on one side with the mattress, and can see her go up and down on my other side. She's now more comfortable moving around when I' m up and around, or at least it' s more prominent. My ribs can tell you that. I now officially waddle and can' t bend over without the repercussions of kicking. Currently, she has the hiccups which have been more frequent in the past few days.
I was still having issues with the whole financial aid from past semester, in which I wasn't going to receive any aid and PSU corrected my fafsa so I wouldn't get anything . This lead to a good one hour on the phone and then they brought my case to Penn state's director in which they informed me that it'll be fine and they'll fix it. Just will take a week or so to process so I can get my refund. HOPEFULLY.
Baby shower is coming along.Slowly but surely. Just am getting hung up on a few things and it' s stressing me out a bit because I have a tendency to be a control freak and to have not only my opinion heard, but to have my full dictatorship in the matter haha.
Right now I just feel extremely needy, and having a hard time with the transition of Tim at school again. It's difficult when you get used to something so easily and you love the feeling of being comfortable that it changes yet again. It' s also very difficult to have him away at this time because it' s difficult to express the pregnancy and just gets me frustrated. I' m also worried that Aliyah will either arrive early or late so he wouldn't be able to be there. That' s probably my biggest fear that he won't be there, because that' s one of the things that I want most in the world.
Well, to end the night playing with my kindle in solitude. Meh.
Still am sick but it' s getting better. I wouldn't doubt if I got sick again with the amount of customers coming in being sick with either the cold or flu so you see them runny eyes, nose is red, groggy with a Kleenex in one hand and their money in another. This ought to be fun.
Aliyah is moving all around and has decided that she likes to jump around. Every single time I lay on my side, she takes that as an opportunity to jump on my mattress. I can feel her on one side with the mattress, and can see her go up and down on my other side. She's now more comfortable moving around when I' m up and around, or at least it' s more prominent. My ribs can tell you that. I now officially waddle and can' t bend over without the repercussions of kicking. Currently, she has the hiccups which have been more frequent in the past few days.
I was still having issues with the whole financial aid from past semester, in which I wasn't going to receive any aid and PSU corrected my fafsa so I wouldn't get anything . This lead to a good one hour on the phone and then they brought my case to Penn state's director in which they informed me that it'll be fine and they'll fix it. Just will take a week or so to process so I can get my refund. HOPEFULLY.
Baby shower is coming along.Slowly but surely. Just am getting hung up on a few things and it' s stressing me out a bit because I have a tendency to be a control freak and to have not only my opinion heard, but to have my full dictatorship in the matter haha.
Right now I just feel extremely needy, and having a hard time with the transition of Tim at school again. It's difficult when you get used to something so easily and you love the feeling of being comfortable that it changes yet again. It' s also very difficult to have him away at this time because it' s difficult to express the pregnancy and just gets me frustrated. I' m also worried that Aliyah will either arrive early or late so he wouldn't be able to be there. That' s probably my biggest fear that he won't be there, because that' s one of the things that I want most in the world.
Well, to end the night playing with my kindle in solitude. Meh.
30 Weeks!
This is either really creepy or really cool, maybe even a combination. So on my 30th month of my relationship, I am 30 Weeks which is ironic. She' s growing so fast and time is passing at what seems like the same rate. Soon!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
2.5 years! :)
Well it's been 2.5 years and if someone told me what roads it would have took to get there, it would have seemed like a lot of work. It hasn't been easy. We had the ups of falling in love, having a great friend by our side, and being a support system for each other. In contrast, our lows of doubts, long distance, and health issues have caused problems in the past. We have had hurdles thrown at us, but have managed to eventually pull together as a team. He is the ying to my yang and we are at a very happy place right now. I couldn't be happier. Love is a great gift given to the few but sought by the many.
The Countdown
Well, today was somewhat eventful. I had to take advantage of my mother going out today, so even though I still feel like poo, I had to get things done. So I booked the venue, got decorations, received a catering menu, and am in process of invitations and banner. Granted, it didn't go originally as planned, but things never do.
30 Weeks tomorrow!! My guess is that she'll come early, so I' m guessing 9 more weeks which gives me a countdown of single digits. The final countdown is on and final preparations are being made!! :)
30 Weeks tomorrow!! My guess is that she'll come early, so I' m guessing 9 more weeks which gives me a countdown of single digits. The final countdown is on and final preparations are being made!! :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Well, not much to talk about tonight. I took some robitussin for my cold which is helping a tiny bit, but my throat is hurting and stinging. Aliyah is just crazy tonight and it feels like she' s doing cartwheels which is great news; she kicked so hard at one point that she knocked my kindle off my tummy haha.
I've been extra hormonal lately, such as today when I was on the verge of crying from jello. I suck at making jello. Not to mention without the presence of Timothy, I just wanna curl up into a ball sometimes. Almost two and a half years, and it has just flew by, which leads me to missing him so much and it just puts a relationship into perspective.
Well, now to finish up the night with a little tv and texting Tim.
I've been extra hormonal lately, such as today when I was on the verge of crying from jello. I suck at making jello. Not to mention without the presence of Timothy, I just wanna curl up into a ball sometimes. Almost two and a half years, and it has just flew by, which leads me to missing him so much and it just puts a relationship into perspective.
Well, now to finish up the night with a little tv and texting Tim.
The Garbage Disposal
I can' t stop eating! I am constantly feeling the need to munch on something. Currently, my craving is a grilled cheese with tomato soup, so I will probably be making that soon. I already have jello in the fridge cooling down omnomnom. Hmmmm fried rice or cheap frozen pizza sounds sooooo good right now.
The cold is still at it' s peak, and now I have a raw nose from using three boxes of Kleenex, and cracked lips that bleed from the dryness of the air. I' m so good-looking right now haha. There is good news though: after days of Aliyah not being that active, she has been annoyed with me constantly waking her up in the middle of the night with sneezing and blowing my nose that she' s just fighting back and constantly moving to tell me to stop being sick and feel better. Hopefully soon, fingers crossed!
The cold is still at it' s peak, and now I have a raw nose from using three boxes of Kleenex, and cracked lips that bleed from the dryness of the air. I' m so good-looking right now haha. There is good news though: after days of Aliyah not being that active, she has been annoyed with me constantly waking her up in the middle of the night with sneezing and blowing my nose that she' s just fighting back and constantly moving to tell me to stop being sick and feel better. Hopefully soon, fingers crossed!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Before Drifting Off
Well, being stuck in bed sick sucks, and it is going to be the same tomorrow. The day after though, I will get out of the house to secure plans on the venue and order the food. Just have to remind myself to get everything I need together for the banner and invitations. I will probably shop for decorations and maybe order balloons ahead of time. It's just kind of depressing how things seem to be at a bit of a standstill currently. I really do miss this semester. It hit me today when I saw everyone talking about their classes. Sadly, she isn't due in the summer and I know I could never be able to attend classes nowadays. I miss the stress of classes and just sitting in class learning...I like learning too much haha.
Now I just have big questions to answer such as financial things. Before Aliyah, I was looking into getting another car, but I used all of that money for the upcoming arrival. A crib, crib mattress, pack n play, swing, and travel system takes up a lot of money in itself. Hopefully towards the summer I may be able to pick up more hours at work to either pay for a car, or finance one. It is just really annoying when people complain when they have a ' mommy/daddy atm' situation. They just never know what it's like until they step into someone else' s shoes. So for now I must save money for: Aliyah, 6 Weeks of maternity leave, my phone, food, possibility of paying off school, the baby shower, and a car, along with any other thing that comes my way . Well, this year will be interesting. Many blessings in many places, just have to see them through the dust :)
Well, that' s my venting for the night. Now to make my goodnight text to Tim and fall asleep.
Now I just have big questions to answer such as financial things. Before Aliyah, I was looking into getting another car, but I used all of that money for the upcoming arrival. A crib, crib mattress, pack n play, swing, and travel system takes up a lot of money in itself. Hopefully towards the summer I may be able to pick up more hours at work to either pay for a car, or finance one. It is just really annoying when people complain when they have a ' mommy/daddy atm' situation. They just never know what it's like until they step into someone else' s shoes. So for now I must save money for: Aliyah, 6 Weeks of maternity leave, my phone, food, possibility of paying off school, the baby shower, and a car, along with any other thing that comes my way . Well, this year will be interesting. Many blessings in many places, just have to see them through the dust :)
Well, that' s my venting for the night. Now to make my goodnight text to Tim and fall asleep.
Little Houdini
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30 Weeks on Thursday! |
Cutest Little Things
So, I' m currently OBSESSED with crocheted baby hats...here are some of the cutest, and thinking about getting the giraffe one ;)
What A Morning
Why am I up this early? Oh yes, no sleep, ran out of water, and too lazy to get some more. Not to mention my whole bed smells like Vix (I only know this because it's one of the only things I can smell.) So to possibly eat something to prepare myself for a 12-6 shift ugh. I really don't want to deal with all those people today so hopefully it won't be busy like yesterday. On my list too is calling Penn State this morning. I am still having trouble collecting my aid from last semester...they sent me a letter that if I had any questions to call them, so I did, but what do you know.. the letter arrived the day after we started break so no one was there to talk to. So then I tried fafsa hotline, and they said my case was a special case and the student aid office had to make corrections over the phone. So I think a 1 hour time limit on the phone is reasonable. I also have to run up to psnk to turn in my medical leave request. oh my, lots to do. Well now off to start a day that I wish I didn't have to.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
To End The Night
Well, the cold has been as strong as ever. The time for recovery will probably be delayed due to work. The lack of sleep also doesn't help. If it doesn't' t get better I may still get it checked out. Cold symptoms: cough, nasal congestion, drainage, sore throat chest pains, and horrible headaches, along with sensitivity to light. Aliyah has been slightly more active, but not by much (just usually when she shifts her body). It kind of still worries me, but I' m keeping track of it. I feel bigger than ever and feel I got even bigger the past few days. My little giraffe is growing so fast! It's making me kind of anxious at how fast the time is flying by.
So as of tonight, I will text Timothy to see if he responds, bathe in vix vapor rub, and prop my pillows in preparation for an uncomfortable night filled with Kleenex and sips of water.
So as of tonight, I will text Timothy to see if he responds, bathe in vix vapor rub, and prop my pillows in preparation for an uncomfortable night filled with Kleenex and sips of water.
Paranoid Mama
Okay so here' s part of my collection so far. Apart of it I have the essentials: a Penn state jersey, more psu wear, a frilly onesie, and a superman inside which I will girl it up by a headband or hat to bring her home in. Now to work on the baby registries because I have been kind of paranoid thinking I won' t have anything. Stockpiling diapers is also on my to do list.
Possibility of a Theme?
So why not have a girly jungle theme? I thought about a spring floral theme, but this felt more appropriate. I'll probably make little vases with flowers as seen in a previous post. So very girly and pink!
This is going to be Tim, except when I' m not around because he knows I wouldn't allow it. LOOK AT THAT BABY! He looks more into it than the dad haha.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
pinterest addiction
Baby Shower Planning!
Planning my baby shower! My goal: just quaint and nice. I don' t want a huge one, just around like 20 people or so. So to secure a venue, invites, order food, plan table pieces, get decorations, a banner, balloons, etc. SO MUCH TO DO GAHHHHH!!!!
Well, today sucks. I' m as sick as a so I called off of work. Have to get up early for work tomorrow though, so hopefully I can manage to get some form of sleep. The only thing that makes me worry is that Aliyah has decreased how active she is, so if that continues I' d probably get it checked out considering that when I' m not sick, she moves all the time. Now during her ' active period', she only moves around 4 times so I''ll just keep a tally on it.
Friday, January 4, 2013
THE Best Pillow Ever
Okay, so you have might have seen The Back- up Plan with Jennifer Lopez and in the movie they make fun of pregnancy pillows. The matter is, it's like a Jesus pillow. THE only way I could sleep. Best $58 I have ever spent!
Baby Kick
Well, this was the first documentation of the baby kicking that I have. Granted it was just one kick, it's moments like these that make it real. Pardon the weird shadows...that's what happens when she's huge haha.
So I have the best of luck. It seems like each time I go into Baby' s r Us that they have a one day sale on already clearanced items which equals a happy frugal mommy to be.
Okay, let's do this thing
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29 weeks 1 day! (those are dog treats on the floor haha) |
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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