Well, being stuck in bed sick sucks, and it is going to be the same tomorrow. The day after though, I will get out of the house to secure plans on the venue and order the food. Just have to remind myself to get everything I need together for the banner and invitations. I will probably shop for decorations and maybe order balloons ahead of time. It's just kind of depressing how things seem to be at a bit of a standstill currently. I really do miss this semester. It hit me today when I saw everyone talking about their classes. Sadly, she isn't due in the summer and I know I could never be able to attend classes nowadays. I miss the stress of classes and just sitting in class learning...I like learning too much haha.
Now I just have big questions to answer such as financial things. Before Aliyah, I was looking into getting another car, but I used all of that money for the upcoming arrival. A crib, crib mattress, pack n play, swing, and travel system takes up a lot of money in itself. Hopefully towards the summer I may be able to pick up more hours at work to either pay for a car, or finance one. It is just really annoying when people complain when they have a ' mommy/daddy atm' situation. They just never know what it's like until they step into someone else' s shoes. So for now I must save money for: Aliyah, 6 Weeks of maternity leave, my phone, food, possibility of paying off school, the baby shower, and a car, along with any other thing that comes my way . Well, this year will be interesting. Many blessings in many places, just have to see them through the dust :)
Well, that' s my venting for the night. Now to make my goodnight text to Tim and fall asleep.
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